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Coronavirus Update
March 18, 2020



Effective Immediately: All events and gatherings at Faith Presbyterian Church have been suspended until further notice. 


At the regular scheduled session meeting last evening session members wanted to make the following comments to our extended church family: 


1.     We are a family of Faith. 

We trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We need to continue to live in faith and not in fear. As followers of Jesus Christ, now is a time for us to be in prayer and the Bible. Spend time each day praying for our church family, our community, the nation, and the world. Also, spend time in Bible reading, experiencing God’s word firsthand. 


2.     We are an Extended Family Connected.

God calls us to be the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5: 13-16). In the midst of the darkness, we can share God’s grace with others. Part of this is being faithful to the law of the land. As President Trump has encouraged gatherings to be no more than ten (10) people, we have decided to cancel all gatherings at church. This includes Sunday school and morning worship, choir practice, FaithBuilders, Rotary, and all other events in the church.


Another part of being a faithful witness is being people of worship and service. With this in mind, we encourage the following: 


a. Deacon Visitation Lists

We encourage deacons and elders to call church members weekly. 

This is to keep the church informed on the needs and concerns of the congregational members. 

b. Encourage Open Communication

Please call one another. If a need (i.e. grocery shopping) arises that someone cannot address, please call Pastor Bruce. Bruce will be the point person in the congregation. 

c. Daily Devotionals

In the next few days, I (Pastor Bruce) will be developing a daily devotional. This will include scripture passages and prayers.

d. Sunday Worship 

While we cannot gather as an extended church family, we can gather as home churches. Every Sunday we are closed, Pastor Bruce will publish a home worship resource. 

Part of this will include a Sunday message. We are seeking a way to do a group worship service. At this time, I am thinking we will have a message live streamed (information to follow) with people encouraged to text in prayers of concerns and joys.


3.     We are an Extended Family Serving.

a. Take time to call neighbors and fellow church members.

b. If able, offer help to those in need with shopping, yard work, other service.

Also, let the pastor know if you have a need. 

c. There will be work projects around the church. 

i. In the weeks to come, Cal Harris will post projects needed around church. 

ii. The spring workday has been cancelled, but the jobs need to be done. 

iii. Individuals or family members can offer to do the jobs, yet all jobs need to be approved by Cal.

4.     Let Pastor Bruce know if there is anything the church can do to be helpful. You are in my prayers. 


5.     Obviously, we are called to be Faithful to God. 

As my sermon mentioned last Sunday, now is a time to pause. As a constantly moving culture, we are being forced to slow down and pause. During this pause, it is good to look at your faithfulness to God. 

i. Spend time in prayer and Bible reading

ii. Use your gifts and abilities to help others

iii. Remember to financially support the church and other charities


All resources (devotionals, home worship, building projects, etc.) will be posted on the church webpage and emailed down the prayer list. Please feel free to share with others. 



In my prayers,


Pastor Bruce 


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